Our Approach is Simple, Personalized and Effective.


We Get To Know You

Our training process starts with an in-person meeting with our lead Injury Prevention & Recovery Specialist, Rob Peterson. Who will also be your coach when you start training with us. During this meeting Rob will discuss your goals, lifestyle, fitness and medical history, along with that thing that lead you to seek our help to begin with.


We Assess Your Posture & Movement

Next up, is an in-depth assessment process. Rob will assess your posture and current movement patterns to identify any imbalances and/or limitations that may be affecting your movement, causing you pain and/or preventing you from reaching your fitness goals.


We Correct Your Imbalances

Once we have a clear picture of what’s going on with your body, we then prepare a personalized fitness plan that addresses your imbalances, while taking your fitness goals into account, to ensure that you're able to reach them without the risk of injury or re-injury.


We Work With You To Reach Your Goals

As soon as your imbalances have been corrected, we then work with you using the industry’s leading movement, injury prevention, strength & conditioning methods to correct your dysfunctions – adjusting your plan as you progress to ensure that targets are met and your goals are achieved safely.